The Hills Phase provides a supportive environment in which pupils are encouraged to develop skills of communication, independence and resilience. Each class is unique and our curriculum is adapted and personalised to meet the needs of each individual. We provide an education which aims to equip our students with the qualifications and skills they need for a smooth transition into further education.
Our learning environment supports the needs of all pupils. Visual aids such as pictorial timetables, key subject vocabulary and resources are regularly utilised alongside a range of approaches using auditory and kinesthetic materials to support pupils to make progress line with their needs.
Staff utilise Assessment for Learning approaches to enable pupils to build on their prior learning and to further construct their knowledge and understanding of subjects. Pupils are given opportunities to collaborate with one another and are given time to reflect upon and apply their learning. In addition, pupils are given the opportunity to integrate their skills, knowledge and learning across the school curriculum and beyond the classroom.
We use the following online platforms to complete individualised learning:
PZAZ Science
Below is a sample timetable from one of our classes